Shipping Information

All orders are processed within 3 business days after being placed. You'll receive a shipping confirmation email as soon as your order leaves our warehouse. We are proud to offer free worldwide standard shipping on all orders.


Free Worldwide Shipping to the US, CA, UK, EU, AUS, and more (excludes: anime figures available in the US only)

Delivery: 7-14 days for USA, UK, AU, CA, EU and most countries.

Order Processing: 1-3 days

Shipping fees: Free for all products excluding Anime Figures

Need to Cancel or Make a Change? Let Us Know right away, and we’ll do our best! E-mail us at



No VAT Tax to: US, CA, UK

Possible fees in: Italy, Netherlands, Denmark, Austria, Germany, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Romania

Other Countries: Customs fees may apply upon arrival. 

We strongly believe in "quality made affordable", and it's reflected in every step of our manufacturing and shipping process. After passing a thorough internal quality control check, our products are shipped out from our factories in Vietnam, China, and the Philippines. We always back our quality 100% and believe you will fall in love with your The Ribbony products!

Please also note that it may take up to 24 hours for your tracking link to update. If you did not receive a shipping confirmation or you have any questions about your order, send us an email at


Currency prices can be displayed in a variety of currencies, but all orders will be transacted in US Dollars by your credit card company upon completion of your purchase, and then converted to your local currency. Non-US Dollar order totals shown during checkout are only estimates of the final amount based on recent currency conversion rates and exclude taxes, duties, levies or tariffs that may be imposed. If items are returned, a refund will be credited back in US Dollars at the current exchange rate.


Shipping and Customs FAQ

  • What if I need to change my order?

Reach out to our customer service team at and we’ll see what we can do! Please note: we can't always correct user errors made at checkout, but we will do all we can to rectify any issues.

  • Are Taxes and Customs Duties included in the checkout?

Taxes and customs duties are not included in checkout. When the package arrives in your country, the delivery company will contact you in regard to the amount of taxes/duty you will be responsible for.

  • My product was lost in transit. What should I do?

We're so sorry to hear that! Reach out to our customer service team at and we'll try to locate it for you. Please note: we are not responsible for items lost in transit, but we’re happy to help you look for your package.

  • I accidentally shipped my order to the wrong address - What should I do?

If you notice that your order is going to the wrong address after it has shipped, and is being shipped via UPS, we recommend logging into UPS and re-routing the shipment via their portal. This is the best way to guarantee the shipment gets to the proper address. If that is not an option, give us a shout at and our customer service team will do what they can to help. Please note: we can't always correct user errors made at checkout, but we will do all we can to rectify any issues!